5 moves for Mama & Baby
We all have good intentions about working out after baby is born. Daily exercise will not only help you ditch the baby weight, but keep you sane! Then reality hits and your plan… well, it goes out the window! So what is a mom to do? We say, start small and incorporate your baby if that’s how you can fit it in! Moms may be surprised to know that incorporating just 10-15 minutes of movement into your day, consistently, can make a huge difference!
Here are 5 moves you can do with (or without) your baby! We recommend going through them twice, which should take you about 10-15 minutes!
Goblet Squats with Baby
Stand holding your baby close against your chest with your feet hip width apart. Push your hips back and allow your knees to bend, like you’re sitting down in a chair. Pause at the bottom and then push up through your heels back to standing position. Brace that core!
Complete 10 reps!
Dumbbell Overhead Baby Press
Stand upright holding your baby facing you at chest level. Brace your core, then slowly raise baby above your head in a controlled motion. Return your baby to your chest.
Complete 10 reps!
Push up Kisses
Perform a push up (either toes or knees) with your baby lying on their back underneath you.
Hands should be slightly wider than your shoulders. Pack your shoulder blades. At the bottom of the push up, kiss your baby! Be sure to keep your abs and glutes tight through the whole exercise. Perform these slowly with control: 3 seconds down and 3 seconds up!
Complete 10 reps!
Side Plank Tickles
Start on your side with your feet together and one forearm directly below your shoulder. (To modify: Bend your bottom leg to 90 degrees, keeping that knee on the ground.) Brace your core and raise your hips until your body is in a straight line from head to feet. You can place baby right in front of you on the floor so you two can tickle and talk to your baby while you’re holding this pose.
Hold for 20 seconds; rest and switch sides. (Work up to holding plank for 60 seconds)
Baby Bird Dog
Get on all fours. Place your baby on the floor below you. Knees should be hip-width apart and hands firmly placed on the ground about shoulder-width apart. Bracing your core, practice lifting one hand and the opposite knee just an inch or two off the floor while balancing on the other hand and knee and keeping your weight centered.
When you feel steady and ready to move on to full range of motion, extend your arm out straight in front and the opposite leg behind you. Keep the abs engaged and hips level. Hold then return your hands and knees to the starting position.
Hold for 20 seconds; rest and switch sides. (Work up to holding for 60 seconds)